Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Fun Times

Bonjour to everyone -

I miss you guys, and hope you are all well, and that your days are filled with joy in your lives, and happiness for those you love. It's so good to hear from you in letters, email and the occasional phone call, and we thank you for taking time for us.

We seem to be sliding into Spring, and actually got out into the yard and (with Bro. Demolombe's help) got things more ship-shape around here. We were instructed to call him for the rose pruning ritual, and then, with a pair of clippers in his hands, he was virtually unstoppable (the French love to clip and chop and train their vegetation!). But, don't think our surroundings have been a dull brown or gray all winter long; things here stay amazingly green the whole year around.

We had a great fast Sunday this week, because Kola (the Nigerian man whom we have been sitting in the teaching of with the Elders) actually came to church with his wife, and their 3 (well-behaved) children, just like he promised he would. He and Chantal are as alike in manner and looks as two peas from the same pod, and she is very intelligent and nice. They are beginning to drink in the Gospel, and grow in their understanding of how the Book of Mormon is a second witness of Jesus Christ, and tells about God and His plan for us. They had the notion that WE were prophets because we were out and about preaching about God; so it's interesting to find out where people are in their heads, and their experiences, and to begin to teach them correct principles. She also took a giant leap forward when she was sick in bed last week, and decided to seriously read the Book of Mormon this time; and said that she felt the Spirit, and was anxious to learn more. We are feeling more at ease with one another in their home, and when he called on "our mother" to give a prayer, I had to smile about my new title. Have you ever sat through the blessing and passing part of a Sacrament meeting that only took 3 minutes from start to finish? That leaves an awful big chunk of time to fill for testimony bearing, and very few members to draw from; but, as always, with the prompting of the Spirit, things worked out just fine and the time was soon gone. Afterward, what made us happiest, was that Chantal said that she would be coming every Sunday from now on, even though her husband will be working in England for a month.

As for me, I was all ready to give my long awaited debut lesson on "I Am A Child Of God," and, once again, no one showed up for Primary. (However, that could change now that Chantal knows what church is all about!) Last week, I did have eight-year-old Clement, and we read 1Nephi 12, about the interpretation of Lehi's dream. We then spent time creating a mural of the dream in full living color, that he seemed quite pleased with. I could tell, because he kept it "straight," without his usual skull and cross-bones, or long-bodied creature-men that he likes to put on his papers. Later, after we had fed the Elders and Bro. Bourdicheux, a man wearing army fatigues walked down the hall, and the Elders recognized him as the Armenian political refugee who had hailed them on the street and asked if they were the Mormons? We invited him to stay for dessert, and the Elders showed him the First Vision video (in Russian) since he really knows nothing about the church. He's brand new in France, and is probably lonely for one thing, but he wants us to "teach" him English (he has a smattering right now), so we will gather together for that with the Elders on Thursday, and see where it goes.

Our new P-day is on Monday, and we decided to go to the newest circus to hit town because neither of us has been to one in at least 40 years! The tents are huge and brilliantly colored, and lots of people were streaming toward the entrance, probably between 6 and 700 at least. There was one center ring, with a loud band situated up high off the floor, over the opening where the performers would be coming in. The atmosphere was all dark, bright, misty, and loud, with the hum of the voices of excited children filling the air. (I was just as wide-eyed as any of them--my 2nd childhood coming on!)

It started out with 2 men in 2 separate man-sized cylinders that swung in a wide arch, over and over, and they kept their balance both inside the 24 inch wide base, and on top of it! Then came 2 Bali girls who about turned themselves inside out; it hurt to watch them! Next 3 white horses ran around the ring, along with 3 mini-ponies that were small enough to run under the horses bellies! Then came a troop of Chinese acrobats with a hoops act! Then a blond woman, working magic hanging and twirling from long lengths of material in a dazzling outfit! Next, out came the 2 elephants, with their simple tricks, and then it was intermission, where (for 5 Euros) children could get rides on their backs. We figured they made at least 200 Euros extra by getting 5 on each animal for a quick tour of the ring. The lead elephant was clever, and swept its trunk out over the front row seats as it passed by, and snatched up someones whole blob of white cotton candy and had it stuffed into its mouth in the blink of an eye.

The second half started with 6 angry looking tigers in their nice large cage! Then, the Chinese acrobats came back with a bungee jumping act from up high this time! Then in roared a tiny brightly lit train, with two box cars that were full of little dogs that were so fun to watch; and ended with 30 dogs in all! There was a comedy team of clowns that was very good and the one I really enjoyed was the quick change artists. It was a couple in fancy clothes, and she would step into flat looking hoops and he would pull up a column of material over her head, and 2 seconds later, Voila! a brand new costume! The best was last when he poured out a bucket of large pieces of sparkling gold confetti over her head, and by the time it hit the ground, she was in a sparkly golden dress to match! I guess you can tell that I loved every minute of the circus!

Take good care of yourselves!

Love, Sister Mom Joanne

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