Friday, March 27, 2009

Baptism in Angouleme

Bonjour everyone -

I sure hope all is well in your lives, as we think of you often, but we have had plenty to occupy our time and energies here, especially lately in our small Branch of the church.

The 58-year-old son of one of the most faithful members I've ever met died last week, and it has been hard on her to lose him, because, of her three children, he was the one who didn't become involved in the church when she was converted and baptized, some 40 years ago. He became a doctor, but when he began to develop the symptoms of diabetes, he went into denial and would not seek treatment until it became too late; loosing first his sight, and then just recently his life. His two younger sisters, both temple married, with active families, flew in from Tahiti and Minnesota for the funeral; and Jacqueline clung to them, as well as to us, for the support she needed. She considered us as family too, (her LDS family), and insisted that we be by her side as we attended the Catholic funeral in the small village where she was born. It was a very interesting experience, in an ancient building made of stone, on a cold, blustery, sad, rainy day; and when Jacqueline's youngest daughter leaned over to tell Jack how glad she was that a priesthood holder was there with them, we were especially glad we were there too.

Bro. Bourdicheux has had some amazing experiences as he got closer to his baptismal date. Because he is living on his pension, Elder Green thought that he'd not have to pay tithing on that money, but that was not true. Then also, Bro. B had staged a mini protest against the French government for taxing his retirement, by not paying his taxes! They came after him for it, so a chunk of his monthly check goes to repay the government until this Oct., making things tight for him, and making him question how he could handle the payment of tithing? When Bro. B. dreamed at all, they were usually terrible nightmares that woke him up and left him shaken. But, last Sunday night, after he prayed to Heavenly Father long and hard for an answer to his question, he dreamed a dream. He said, if someone had been in the room with him, they would have heard him talking out loud to a voice that came to him. "Who are you?" he asked the voice. "I am the voice of Him who is on high; I live on a planet far from yours, but I am always near; your life has been spared 4 times, and that is the end of your blessings." Bro. B. asked, "Should I pay my tithing?" And the voice answered, "Yes." Then the dream vanished. He never remembers dreams, but this one is embedded into his memory, and just thinking about it makes him light as a feather!

He got a call from the son of his deceased best friend in Paris, and told him about the dream; to which the man said, "That's just a figment of your imagination!" Then, Bro. B. told him that he was going to even pay tithing, and the man shouted, "See, all they want is your money!" to which he sadly shook his head and said, "You will never understand, my friend." He related this all to Jack on Monday afternoon, while it was still fresh in his mind.

On Wednesday, we went to his apartment with white shirts and pants for him to try on, and they were all too small, until we had him try on the one temple baptismal, zip-up front suit we had. Finally, they got that zipper up over his belly (he can't suck it in) and it is going to work! The only other thing he needed was some white underwear, so we will pick some up for him. Bro. B. closed our little visit with the nicest prayer (just a simple conversation with his Heavenly Father) that I've heard in a long time; it was great.

Jack went to pick up Bro. B. on Saturday, and made the mistake of asking how he was feeling; which set him off onto a recital of all his many maladies! "I got my hair cut yesterday for my baptism, and it was hot in the salon. Then, I came outside, and caught a chill; I've been sneezing all morning, and have the sniffles and I feel terrible. Maybe I should wait and be baptized in April?" "No." said Jack, "you need to be baptized today." "Even if I'm sick?" "You will be fine." "Are you sure?" "I'm sure you'll feel better after you are baptized." "Really?" "Yes." "OK, if you say so." He came, and changed into all white clothes. We somehow got through the slowest filling of a font ever (first it was too cold, then it was steaming hot), but when the moment arrived, lo and behold, it was suddenly perfect, and we all breathed out a sigh of relief.

Bro. B. carefully followed Elder Green down into the warm water, with a big smile on his face, as he looked up into the happy faces of all his new friends. They spoke together for a moment, and then the Elder raised his right arm to the square and said those simple, but significant few words of the baptismal prayer. We all held our breath as Bro. B. didn't hold his nose as he was immersed--would he come up sputtering? No! He came up smiling wider than before, and looking back at Elder Green, he asked if he could go under again! We all laughed, as he was told that one time was enough since it was perfect. After dressing, they came back into the chapel, and Jack asked Bro. B. if he would bear his testimony to us. He told how, for a split second as he came up out of the water, he saw a symbol of two things that he really loves: birds, and to dance. He saw a bird dancing, so that is why he wanted to go under the water again. He thanked the Elders who taught him the gospel, Elders Gibbs, Green and Gunter, for making him realize that Jesus Christ is not just a pretty story to help children get to sleep at night, but that He is his Savior, and that he needed to be baptized into His church. We had some refreshments, and he told me of the 4 times in his life that he almost died, and how he knew that he had been preserved for a purpose. We drove him home, and he thanked us with a smile for his new underwear, and said he'd always remember us each time he puts them on.

We came home and crashed and slept hard, and the next day Brother Bourdicheux was confirmed a member of the church, and it is a real good feeling to have him with us. It was all worth it. Take care!


Sister Mom (Joanne) Grandma

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