Tuesday, March 25, 2008

My Turn

While Joanne gets all her info in, I catch up on my journal. Joanne's journal is so packed with info that we will be able to write a book when we get home. We have been out for 3 and a half months and she is almost through with the second book. I am starting to look in bookstores for some good big ones that she can use after she gets finished with this one and the one that was set aside for me. She spends time with every detail while I write the basics. She is constantly asking me to remember the smallest piece of detail.

We have been on the road quite a bit and I know that the angles are surrounding us. The roads narrow so fast and the on-coming traffic comes so rapidly that we have hardly any time to get out of the way. The drivers feel that they have the right to their side plus ours. The other day, a tractor didn't see us and came very close to running us into a wall, but at the last half a second swerved and we had enough room to squeeze through the opening. I know that the Lord watches over us.

If it wasn't for the members of the branch and the members we visit outside of town, I don't know if I could take the negative attitude that is constant. I know we are looking for the elite of God, but we have to go through a great deal of the uninterested to get to them. We are starting a program that was given to us last zone conference and that was to have the members pray for inspiration as to were the Elders and Joanne and I should go to contact the people. I know that as the members get into the program we will see the fruits of their faith.

The members back home better count their blessings because these active members here go through a lot more to do their home teaching than anyone at home. With the travel that goes on to do home teaching here, all the wards at home should hang their heads in shame if they don't get theirs done at the rate of 100%. These members are as strong as any I have ever seen. Our second councilor has been coming 80 miles to church for the last 2 1/2 years to serve the branch with his wife. Our branch president travels 2 1/2 hours to come to Angouleme on Sat. with his wife and stay sometimes in hotels at his cost to serve the branch Sat. and Sunday. We will go 2 hours away for general Stake priesthood meeting next Saturday and a hour and a half to watch conference in two weeks and then we only get three sessions.

If anyone complains again where you live, kick them in the slats and tell them what these Saints do to complete their responsibilities and hold fast to the iron rod.

I love the work. I have blessed the sacrament more since I have been here to deserving members that I would have ever imagined and given more blessings to wanting and waiting saints. I have loved the privilege and the service.

Keep the faith and be valiant.

Love Elder Dad

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