Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Another Week

Hello to everyone in the US. We are doing fine although March came in like a lion. We have had rain almost every day this month. We have had some great help from a member in finding the lost sheep. We have used every method we can think of, even calling others with the same last name and introducing ourselves as people from the US looking for so and so. This member is using the Internet and has helped us find 4 out of 6 names we gave him. We gave him 8 more names this week.

We had this member and his wife over to our apartment for an evening of food and games of Uno. Patrick's wife is not a member, and we are trying to set up a relationship with her and show her that Mormons are people too. It was a good night and we have seen them once this week to give Patrick his new 8 names and get some info on the other ones he gave back to us.

We really enjoy going to the sick, the shut-ins and those so far from the church that they can't make it to church. I am able to bless and give the sacrament to these members and it gives me a greater respect for the Savior and the privilege it is to hold the priesthood and bless the lives of these members.

I am eternally grateful for the support of Joanne as we work together in this work. Even though her French is not yet at conversational levels, she has the promptings of the spirit in so many situations that we are in that her suggestions just make the difference. So many times we say the same thing at the same time when dealing with these beautiful members who can't get to church. The work here is hard as the government has driven a wedge between faith and the secular ideas of the state. Religious feelings among the people here is at an all time low. I am reminded that King Noah in the Book of Mormon drove his people from the faith by his unworthy actions and the leaders of France have done the same for over 40 years.

The two Elders here are working very hard and I know that their labors will pay off. The members are working hard also and we have a missionary activity with the members on the 22 of March to help them understand the processes in "Preach My Gospel" and how they can use it to interest and approach their friends. We will have some roll playing so they can feel more comfortable with the ideas.

Being the 2nd counselor has its good points. I have given 3 sacrament talks since I have been here and now I am in charge of getting people to give sacrament talks I can get myself off the list for at least three months. Joanne has her second talk in April.

Since I am also in charge of the Sunday School, I am the teacher of the teenage class. We only have 1 student now but are working on two more students. It is very tough to be the only student in the class, but I am working on building a strong testimony with this young sister. Joanne does the art work when needed and sits in on the lessons. I hope it helps her French.

Keep the faith and keep us in your prayers.

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