Thursday, January 3, 2008

Christmas Tale

Hi everyone...I miss you all so much, when I have a moment to think about it! We have been hot tailing it up and down the country side, curling our way through small villages, seeking out the lost and the hiders. We have been told that, 'we're not members of your church, we've never heard of you'; to, 'Go away, we're atheists and proud of it!', to 'come in, come in, sit right down and let's talk.' People you ask directions from couldn't be nicer, or more helpful; I have been amazed by that, and if you try to speak their language they are all forgiving of any mistakes.

I truly can say that I love the French people, but they are very anti-religion right now, so getting anyone to listen is quite difficult. When Jack's cold was the worst, I was prompted to steer us into a pharmacy inside of a big store (instead of picking up Tylenol on the shelf), and the Pharmacist was interested enough in our tags to begin a conversation. Come to find out that he had been to Salt Lake City and was impressed, and knew something about the Mormons. Jack asked what he knew, and he said that they live what they teach. Jack then asked if he would be interested to hear more and he said 'yes, come back when you are all better.' So yesterday we did and he is still interested and we should be able to talk to him soon. We have had several contacts off the cuff like that, but even though it is tedious to downright frustrating (and costly since a tank of gasoline, factoring in the conversion rate from dollars to Euros, costs us around $80 each fill up!), that is what we have been asked to do.

We found the undertaker who had buried one member on our list 10 years ago...high time to scratch his name off. Many people just were way too far out from the church, and simply have moved on to parts unknown. But this is what our Branch Pres. needs to know so we're doing it, and the scenery is great.

Sandra-thanks for your letter about was fun to read and I'm glad you didn't quit trying to get it to us.
  • Jo-we're getting yours ok, you are a trooper! Maybe cooking lessons is the next step.
  • Jeaninne-It was great to hear from you, life is keeping you hopping!
  • Chris and Jen and the boys-We love your letters, thanks for remembering us each week.
  • Jay and Sayei- You've been engaged in the best of all projects, and did it magnificently.
  • Jaime-Hope you got our last e-mail with our address in it, and I'll start checking the mailbox soon.
  • Laraine-we'll open your mail with our own computer set up soon, I hope. Is Gary's e-mail address still his old one?
  • Heather-Let us know the rest of the story, love you.
  • Aaron-hope your holidays were great.
  • Andrea, Josh, Sam,and Kirt-Are you hearing from us? Let us know.

Love you,

Madame Metcalfe

A word from me as your mother gets ready and we hit the road. Yesterday we met a 93 year old member who lives in a rest home. She was so excited to see us and wouldn't let your Mom go when we got ready to leave after a 45 minute visit. We promised to return next week and will make her a weekly opportunity to show love. The visit made our day. We also had a meeting with an inactive sister. Our Relief Society President, Seour Bouchard came with us and we know in time she will come back. Without a car we would be out of luck in getting to all these members who are in every village and hamlet miles from the chapel.

We love the work. We were out knocking on doors with the Elders last Sunday night and covered twice the ground. They got two call backs and I talked to a man about the restoration of the Gospel and gave him a Book of Mormon pass along card.

Life is great and the Gospel is true. Elder Dad

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