Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Last Week's Work

Bonjour everyone!

It's a beautiful, cool, bright, sunny day here, and they are tending to the flower beds, gearing up for spring all ready (I know, I know, you are knee deep in snow, and this is cruel talk, but I am amazed by it all too!). Dad told you about our fun day with the Elders. It was fun to see those two hard workers let their hair down a bit . . . and 'turn' back into exuberant teens for a few hours. We had a tailgate picnic in a farmer's field, and he actually drove by and shouted, "Bon appitite!" to us.

We had a great experience last week. We decided to visit an inactive lady, Sister Chagot, who lives right in the heart of the city. We walked down the cobblestone to the end of a wall that opened up abruptly into a skinny alleyway. We turned there and suddenly, in the wall, was a door with a number on it . . . her apartment. She answered our knock, and welcomed us into her place, about the size of a small bedroom. I loved her smile and her face seemed bright with happiness that we had come to visit her. The word was that she had told others that she was never coming back to church, but she had the latest copy of the Liahona so I knew there was hope.

She is disabled from a bad accident that broke bones in her hip years ago, but copes with it all, and gets around fairly well. She is going to the hospital next week, and asked Jack for a blessing; he said he would gather together more Priesthood and do it up right. When asked about church, she said she doesn't have the proper clothes, and would come in May when she could get some dresses to wear. Jack told her that the Lord doesn't care what she wears, that she could even come in those slacks she was wearing now. She laughed at that. We left her with a prayer not long after, really glad for such a good visit.

On Sunday, the first person we saw as we entered the chapel was Sister Chagot, sitting there with a big smile on her face in those very slacks. Everyone made a point to welcome her and she seemed very happy. The Priesthood blessing was given to her after church, and to Sister Denny as well--she is a 90'ish year old, tiny mite of a woman, who is an 'unbaptized' member. She has been coming to the Branch faithfully for about 10 years, and has a testimony of the gospel, but she thinks that God wants her to remain Catholic. She was having trouble swallowing and asked for a blessing, and so they gave her one.

This was the Sunday everyone brings food and they feast together after church. I sat across from Sister Denny during dinner, and she was packing it away like a healthy horse! People here have been very accepting of me and my stumbling and bumbling with their language . . . the real test is coming this next Sunday with my talk in Sacrament meeting. I'm already sweating and it's only Wednesday. Thanks for all you do for us, in keeping in touch and your encouraging letters and e-mail. I love you all so much.

Love, Sister Mom, Grandma, Joanne Metcalfe :)

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