Sunday, March 17, 2013

The Most Memorable Baptism: Part 3

   The baptismal program for the girls got off to a great start with a talk by the Spanish-born YW's president, Raquel Degrave.  She is a young mother, and is so full of enthusiasm it's fun just to be around her.  Quite a few members of the ward had now arrived to support the girls and the missionary effort.  Alecio was so happy for his daughters, I really do feel that he is a good man at heart.  We all headed to the font where he finally coaxed the more adventurous Kelly down the stairs and into the warm water.  Her two sisters watched and giggled loudly as their father couldn't figure out first how to hold her, and as he read the prayer in Italian from the chalkboard beside me.  He plunged her in deeply and she came up laughing.  The very shy Indira suddenly disappeared back into the locker room!  We waited two, then three long minutes until finally Sara pulled her to the door with mighty tugs, and Alecio grabbed onto her and brought her into the water.  The big crowd of strangers was hard for her to take, and she struggled a bit more before finally giving in, and he got her baptized.  A newly arrived sister missionary later told me that she had wondered, 'Are we forcing kids to be baptized now?'  I looked over at Rosa and tears of joy were rolling down her cheeks as she had a confirmation of the spirit that this was right for them.  Elder Andrus then baptized Sara without too much more drama, but as the electronic curtain went down Sara jumped back into the pool and splashed and enjoyed the water for a few minutes longer; I'm sure that much water was a rare event for them, where and how they live.  Later, the sweet treats were eaten and we drove the girls back home.  We talked to Sofia a bit, but she stubbornly vows to leave home by next what?  We can only wonder.

     Sunday morning Alecio and the three girls slipped into the filled chapel after the song and prayer and found seats in the back.  Rosa had stayed at home with the three younger children.  Bishop Duez announced their confirmation and motioned for them to come up front.  None of them wanted to come, and their dad couldn't make them.  Jack went back and reasoned with Sara like a Dutch Uncle to be the leader for her sisters, and not be afraid.  With a look on her face like, 'I can't believe I'm doing this', she arose and Kelly and Indira followed her up to the stand where they all sat facing the crowd.  Alecio came up, and Jack was asked to confirm Sara with the Bishop and one of his counselors.  Sara squirmed and covered her eyes against us and got through the ordeal in one piece.  Kelly was led to the chair and the Bishop confirmed her with her big eyes open wide and staring.  He then called for Indira, but she would not budge from her seat.  Her father tried pulling her over, and a genuine tug-of-war ensued to the great discomfort of the rest of the congregation.  Bishop Duez stepped in and restrained him saying, 'It's OK, it's OK, we can do it later', and they quickly returned to their seats.  Honestly, in hindsight it's so easy to see where everybody went wrong, and just didn't understand the extent of their timidity and genuine fear of strangers for one thing.  But the good thing is that now they are members of the church, and they can feel a part of the programs that are introduced to them for learning and growing up, and hopefully getting out of the cycle of poverty and living hand to mouth as they  are now doing.  Having the gift of the Holy Ghost will be a blessing in their lives, I'm sure of it.  Sara and Sofia were invited to their YW teacher's home to help her prepare cookies and other goodies for New Beginnings just a few weeks ago.  When we picked them up I couldn't believe how nice Sara looked.  Her long hair always looked like a rope thrown over her shoulder before, but now it had been cut a few inches (it still is to the middle of her back) and was shiny and clean and worn straight back from her forehead with a band.  She was just glowing and looked like a brand new kid.  That night they had fun with new people, and got a taste of what it would be like to marry a responsible man with a good job, and have a nice place to live, with a darling little son to raise.  What kind of options do you see before you in the enclave of shacks that they have lived in all their lives so far?  We have really come to love this family, and hope they continue to feel the love of the Savior in their lives,  and continue to grow and develop in the gospel of Jesus Christ.

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