We went back to see the family, after picking up the Elders, the very next week on the 7th of Nov. This time, we were prepared with a psudo-flannel board and colorful circles to help explain the Plan of Salvation to the kids. We also had mini-Twix bars to 'bribe' them into listening, and all together it worked like a charm. The poor Elders, being kids themselves, were clueless as how to calm the masses, so they once again took the back seat to Jack. He, being a natural-born teacher, caught their attention and soon had them raising their hands and participating. We got Daniel involved with placing the circles on the board, and it was a good night of learning. They all wanted to have a turn to pray, because it was a new experience for them, and Alecio promised they would be at church on Sunday, but they didn't come because the toddler got sick.
Our main concern on our next visit was to wish Sofia a happy 15th birthday (with a big chocolate cake) and figure out how to help them get to church. (Alecio's panel truck has no seats, and the last time he tried to take his family loose in the back, he got picked up by the police and fined.) They have a DVD player and an old TV where everyone's faces are green, but we watched the Joseph Smith Story, in Italian, on a laptop. With no speakers, however, the children had to huddle around close to hear it. (You would be amazed at the electronic devices that even the poorest people have in their possession nowadays). Everyone sat quietly through almost the whole movie, until Daniel made them all scatter when he passed gas! He's the 'bomb' all right!

On our next visit on Nov. 20th, we had visual aids to help teach the proper steps of a prayer, and the Elders taught about the 10 commandments. Then they dropped a 'bomb' on us by setting a baptismal date for the girls for Dec. 1. We were surprised, but the girls squealed excitedly. Alecio hadn't stayed for the lesson, he'd gone with a gym bag to do some boxing. Sofia blurted out the news that she didn't want her Dad to baptize her, and Sara said," He's not baptizing me either!" Rosa was upset and said her girls don't honor their parents like the commandments say they should, and we soon said good-bye leaving chaos in our wake this time. Jack and I had reservations 'big time' about this rush to baptism (then we found out that one of the Elders was going home the 5th of Dec. and it meant a lot to him to see them get baptized). I brought up my concerns, but they countered with the girls' need to have the Holy Ghost in their lives to help them progress. That made sense, but they also 'need' parental involvement, and will be hard pressed to find it with a mother who is overwhelmed, and a father who works hard, but doesn't relate well with his daughters. Then, the Elders had to admit defeat after all, when none of the family made it to church on the 25th because their oldest son's wife had just had their first baby.

I can't figure out their lifestyle. I've never seen any signs of dinner being cooked. They seem to exist on snacks and candy, which are plentiful and spread out all over the large round table (and onto the floor as the little kids grab and run with cheese puffs and chips and bon-bons of all sorts), and liter bottles of pop, guzzled without a glass by Daniel, and I wonder if Alecio brings home out of date products for them? The time Bishop Duez came to meet us there started out badly. Ten year old Kelly was striking matches on the porch, then in the house (that tinderbox!), chasing her siblings all around with them! Rosa wandered in with the baby on her hip and I pointed it out to her. She distractedly shook her head, 'Oh those children', she sighed. Jack called them all together and retaught prayer, and Sara gave a good one. The Bishop showed up and will help Alecio get started on the papers he needs to become legal in France...step by step progress is being made.
We were at another ward when the family came to church and met with the Bishop in his office. A new date was set for the baptism, for the very next Saturday at 3 P.M., if Rosa felt they were ready. We took the Elders out there on Friday night, and they were determined to get all the rest of the lessons taught that night. Jack was beside himself...'You're going to do all those tonight and call it good?' We sat back this time and let them handle things, but the girls were giggly, and Sofia sat by herself. When they talked about tomorrow's baptism, Rosa protested that they weren't ready, but in the end she was talked into it. Sofia is a question mark.

We spent the morning baking banana bread and cookies when we got a frantic call from the Elders. The Strecovitch girls had gotten wet and dirty from the floor of their Dad's van and were refusing to come. Could we go and pick them up and smooth things over? We had room for 3, what about the others? They said they'd call Bishop Duez and see if he could help, and he was soon on his way also. When we got there Sara was distraught that her good pair of jeans had gotten dirty (there was dried mud on the sleeve of her shirt also), so Jack said, "Come with us and we'll get you a new pair to wear!" She was so surprised at that, she got right into the back seat, followed by Kelly and Indira. Rosa looked nice in her long black skirt, dangling earrings and sparkly top, but her face had that usual worried look as Sofia was not to be found anywhere. Jack said, "We're leaving now so we can shop for Sara", and we did. We found a chic clothing store and our funny little band trooped in and found something suitable right away. Sara tried them on and worried that it cost too much, ($14.99) but we grabbed them and got going again. At church the girls were whisked off for their interviews, and the next time we saw them they were a sight to behold. Kelly was in a ruffly dress, Sara in a 3 times too big jump suit, and Indira had on knee length trousers and a large white shirt that someone had knot-tied in the front showing tummy. Bishop Duez had told Rosa last Sunday that the baptism would not be today, and she was relieved because "My girls aren't ready yet." Someone mentioned that they should bring extra dry underwear, and she wailed, "My girls don't have underwear!" YIKES! That's why she put up a fuss yesterday when the Elders told her it was set for today. We didn't know any of this until after we talked to the Bishop, and he was 'misinformed' also.
Finally, they got the program started at 3:30, with one glaring omission from the printed program; Sofia had refused to come with the Bishop no matter what he said to her, she said NO. She said that her father and she had fought, and claims that he hits and kicks her. 'Why can he get away with such behavior and be a church member?' seems to be her question. So, 4 sisters names were on the program, but only 3 young girls dressed in white on their baptismal day, Dec. 8, 2012.
In PART 3 you will find out what happened next.