Sunday, June 3, 2012

Young Adult Conference

 I tried to send the information concerning our experience we had at the end of April with our young adult conference but, when I was done and I tried to send it, the whole report went up into the lost internet messages in the sky, so I'll try to report again.  On the last vacation weekend of the Easter school vacation the young adults planned their first young adult conference. The presidency planned out everything except the meals. They asked Joanne if she would plan the meals for Friday , Saturday and Sunday. Fortunately we have Bishop Doit in the Lille ward who is a chef and he took on the responsibility for the Sunday afternoon meal. Joanne made the menu for the Friday night meal and then the lunch and evening meals on Saturday. The bishop took us to a store in Lille that sells to restaurants so we went around the store and made a list for our purchases that would be made the next week with Bishop Doit.
Food for an army.
   Joanne planned a barbecue for Friday night because many of the group would come at different hours since the participants were coming from Belgium, southern and eastern France and throughout our stake. Forty-seven young adults signed up for the weekend. We made all sorts of cookies, rice krispy squares and chocolate squares for desert and also for the dance that would take place that night. The barbecue was a hit.  We planned a week ahead by buying pork roasts on sale at one of the large grocery stores. We had a slow cooker and so we cooked two of the 10 roasts at a time, pulled the pork and then place it in the freezer. A pasta salad was made that could feed an army and then I peeled potatoes for what we call at home, funeral potatoes. I was the sous chef and gave my blood for the event by slicing two fingers in the potato peeling undertaking. It was all worth the effort as the young adults ate with gusto. The cookies American style are a hit here and it doesn't take long for food to disappear. Joanne's efforts were rewarded by hearty appetites and by grateful thanks.
   The dance was a success and it was a good ice breaker. We have a Wii so it became the half time entertainment as all the group tried to follow the dance movements on the large screen on the stage. I had Joanna send BYU hats and tee shirts and Vocal Point CD's for rewards during the dance. We ended the dance at 1:00 PM but by the time we got home it was close to two in the morning. A whole different mission from any other. We had a young sister stay with us who was from Belgium. In the morning Joanne made pancakes for our guest.  

Saturday morning there were two workshop sessions on the atonement. The workshops where conducted by two institute teachers from France. At noon we had something special and that was a baptism for Cedric, our newest young adult. Cedric planned the event and had the young adults give the talks, direct the music and the opening prayer. The only exception was that he gave me the blessing of offering the closing prayer. The baptism was accomplished by Pierre-Louis, another young adult from Lille who has been called on a mission to Benin in western Africa. The missionaries who taught Cedric did the right thing by getting the young adults involved.  

The baptism was not only attended by the young adults but also by 30 members of the ward so we planned lunch for everyone. We had hogie sandwiches, the rest of the barbecue pork as well as salads and deserts brought by the ward participants. It was good thing we had left over salad, potatoes, and cookies because with more than 70 people for lunch everything was eaten.  

Saturday afternoon was filled with fun activities and bowling by the group. Dinner was green salad, tomatoes, cucumbers, and a spaghetti dish; chicken with a special white cream sauce. The desert was a treat as Joanne made strawberry short cake. The participants gave her a standing ovation for her great efforts. I don't think the young adults expected to be fed that well. The rest of night was made up of more group games and ended with a short dance. The whole group got together and took down the decorations and cleaned up for the Sunday morning meetings for the two wards and our special afternoon meetings. It was great to see all get involved and work together.
   The Sunday school lesson was taken care of by two of the priesthood brothers from the Lille Stake and they got everyone into a good discussion on the subject. The sacrament meeting was done by the young adults and the closing speaker was our regional seventy. The bishop provide and excellent lasagne meal and the Relief Society of one ward brought the entrees and the other the deserts. It was enjoyed and well planned. These members know what they need to do and it was great for Joanne to enjoy a meal someone else prepared . 
 What an experience to see the leadership of our group and to have these young people come together. The main reason to have these events is to bring the youth together and hopefully to start some romances. In the weeks after we had two young men come back to see two of the young ladies of the the Lille area. Good payment for our efforts. We love these young people and the mission pays dividends in spiritual gifts and new loving friendships that will last eternally. 

1 comment:

Sandra said...

What a great group! I love that you made so much food and it looks like everyone was loving it! You guys are the best.