Saturday, December 31, 2011

Visitor's Center Helpers

We are in good spirits holding down the fort at the visitor's center in Paris. The regular couple have taken a trip or some thing and so we were asked to keep the center open. Like all assignments we were sent on our own and scramble to get things going. I think the story of the couple missionaries is to fumble through things until we get it right.

We have had three contacts today and two yesterday and the we hope for more today as the day is still young. The missionaries use this place as a place to meet their contacts and give lessons. There is a large room with pictures and explanations of each but I go around with the people who come in to answer any questions and add some needed information. In a smaller room are two TV's with videos of various teaching and the testimonies of the 12 apostles. the last room in the back is for missionaries who teach lessons to their amis or friends of the church and a sound room for CD's. We have continued to have people come and I was able to get a person to want further contact with the missionaries.

We are waiting until after the new year for the apartment search to continue so we will be in Paris for at least another week. We will be with the young adults next week, so that will give us something more to do.

We had a good conference with the other 10 couples in Blois, which is on the Loire River. We were able to get some good games and interaction helps from the other couples. We did get to see a huge chateau and walk around Blois. The members fed us well on the second day at lunch but we went to two restaurants for the evening meals.

We had a miracle happen on our trip. I left my brief case in Angouleme and in it I always put the keys to our place in Paris. There are three large french keys plus the small chain and metal container for the consecrated oil attached. All in all there is some heft to the combined package. I called Angouleme and arranged for Carole Serard to bring the brief case as she was going to visit a friend in the outskirts of Paris. I wore a pair of slacks to the couples conference because the president told us to come casual. Each evening as usual I would empty my pants pockets and put everything on the dresser. Each day I would don the same pants. On the way home in the train Carole phoned us and said she couldn't find the keys in the brief case. Joanne thought that she had left her key in the apartment, but she looked in her purse once more and in the far recesses of her purse she found her key.

When we met Carole at the subway exit I couldn't find my keys in the case, so we went home and the three of us entered the apartment. We gave Carole some money for the two train rides, coming and going, and then I put my hand in my pocket to take out some change for the metro. She refused but I dropped it into her hand bag anyway. I then sat back and placed my hand back in my pocket and touched something metal. I grabbed what I felt and pulled out the keys that had been lost for three days. We all looked at the keys with wide eyes knowing that there was no way they should be there. I emptied my pockets for three nights, the keys were heavy enough that I would have felt them in my pocket, and when I went in the pocket for change I would have felt them. Heavenly Father can do what He must to help His children on this earth and I am thankful that He sent a message that we were under His care.

We wish all of you a Happy New Year or, as I would say, have a frantic first, and all the best for 2012.

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