Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Time Flies

We are well into another week and time stands still for no man. We have had a good week. Our amis at church jumped to 7 this week and with people coming to visit, we nearly doubled the branch numbers. It was great to have two investigator classes. The Elders are teaching two amis in English and Brother Mazaleyrat and I worked with new amis from Portugal. We sure could have used Phil and Jaime on that day. They speak pretty good French and with the first vision in Portuguese, we did alright.

The Elders were in town, a walking mall, and were contacting the people who were strolling through the area. They contacted a family of 4 and the husband said that he was a member of the church and was baptized in his home land of Portugal 20 years ago. He is inactive and his
wife is not a member.

Joanne and I went to visit them after two visits by the Elders. Sandra, the non member said that when Joanne and I showed up at their door, she knew that she should let us in. She had not let the Elders in the two times before. We were able to teach her the restoration of the church and they said they would come to church. They have a 4-year-old boy who is having trouble in school because he doesn't speak French and a 16-month-old daughter. Juan, the father, is looking for work and right now they are living with the father, mother, and brother. Things are a little cramped with all of them. They came to church on the 3rd Sunday of the month, which is our branch meal together. It was a good thing that Joanne over cooks for the meal because that made enough food for everyone. The meal also helped them be at ease with the members and Alain Kause got with Juan to help him with some job agencies in town.

The next time we went to the house Juan's sister was there. We taught them a little about the plan of salvation and again invited them to church. Juan, Sandra, and their kids came and so did the sister and her young 3-year-old boy. We went back on Tuesday and Sandra said she felt comfortable at church and could feel a special spirit there. We were able to teach them about the Holy Ghost at that time since she had recognized the feeling. I made some of my banana bread and we took it with us. They enjoyed it and we continued with the plan of salvation because Juan told us about the death of two of his brothers.

Sandra is a choice person. If we can get them settled into a job and into a place of their own , we will be able to make better progress with them. Sandra speaks very good English, French, and, of course, Portuguese. She has a sweet spirit and both Juan and Sandra treat their children in a loving way. Too many French people just shout at their children.

The Elders are teaching a brother from Nigeria and a sister from Ethiopia. Our sister from Ethiopia is progressing in her understanding of the Gospel. Both Bright (Nigeria) and Unsete (Ethiopian) speak better English than French, so they are taught in Sunday school in English. If this keeps up we will have an real international setting.

It looks like we might move to a house if all goes well. Our 81-year-old Relief Society President has put her papers in for the genealogy mission in SLC. If she is called, we will move into her home and pay her the rent we now pay for our small place here. The house has much more room and many of the comforts of home.

I had the opportunity to interview our only teenage girl last week for a trip to Spain and a week stay with the rest of the Stake's young people at the temple complex in Madrid. She will have the chance to meet many others of her age, do baptismal work, study the scriptures with the youth and the leaders and see the sights of Madrid. I am anxious to hear her remarks on her return.

We are slowly getting things in order in the branch. The lost and found work goes on and we are paring down the numbers as we find the members in other areas of France and the world. We have had members move not only out of the province, but out of the country. In one way or another, we are finding out where they are and sending their membership records where they belong. I feel like a sleuth when I use all the avenues at my disposal, but the greatest way is through prayer. One way or another, we are led to find out where these members are.

Well keep smiling and doing your best.

Love Elder Dad

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