Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I'll Have Bacon With That!

Hi and bonjour to all of you this morning. We were up at six to pray for the success of the Toulouse Mission, and to read another two chapters of the Book of Mormon (in French), on this P-day. Then, to tell the truth, being still tired, we went back to bed since all of that was accomplished before 7 a.m., and it was still black outside. We don't tell the Elders about all the extra perks available to senior couples, as they seem to think we have it much easier than they do as it is. And it is true actually, because we have a lot of freedom to make decisions and go with the flow, where they have rules and regulations to follow to keep the spirit and do the work. Anyway, we are up and at it after our nap, with Jack fixing French toast, and me mulling over Isaiah's words in 2Nephi. If you think Isaiah is difficult to figure out in English, you would not believe how hard the French translators worked to get his meaning across, while dealing with his wild word imagery. We keep the English scriptures handy to be able to understand what he is saying, and are so glad to have them.

We went to visit a woman who has had contact with the church over the years, but is not a member. She has come into our path because her sister wants the lessons, and is living with her right now. Christelle has 3 little children, two divorces, and is a hard worker, trying to keep things together; but she hurt her back, and is really in bad shape. She asked a member for a blessing, but he had no oil, so he came to Jack and asked him to do it for her. The room was full of smoke as we entered (with the Elders also), and as we sat, the first thing Jack asked her was if she had faith in Jesus Christ as her Savior. She looked at him straight, and admitted that she didn't really because she had a hard time believing in Mary's virgin birth. So he taught her about Heavenly Father and His son for several minutes, and I got the feeling that she was sincerely trying to listen and learn. We made a date to return a few days later, and when we did we found her totally down. She'd tried getting something done, and had only made things worse. She was slumped on the couch, unwilling or unable to move or even look up, as Jack gingerly sat down beside her. She answered some questions dully, with others in the room doing most of the talking, and so we left her with a prayer, wondering what we could do to help?

Just as we were pulling out of this vast "projects" apartment complex, and I was rolling up my window, I saw from the corner of my eye, "the egg," as it flashed by and hit the right side mirror, and splattered across the windshield and fender. The little brown missile was well placed, and just missed the open window, which would have been lots of fun for all! We were a bit stunned, and Jack automatically pressed on the brakes, but there was no sign of the pitcher. Jack optimistically thought maybe we just got in the way of some kids playing around, but I'm having a hard time with that idea. Anyway, after we dropped off the Elders, he said let's take them DINNER tonight, so we rushed home to do it. He peeled a big pot full of potatoes to boil, and I cooked hamburger and gravy and those fast Toffee bars, and with everything mashed and baked (in proper order), along with a green salad, we were back by 6 p.m. The surprise on their faces when we returned bearing food was priceless; plus we got a surprise too, of going into a smoke filled room of visitors for Christelle, and being stared at as if we had flown in from Mars. It's the Mormons! And they're bringing food! We had a spy there, and he later reported that they ALL ate and wanted to know how I made the gravy! No Campbell soup here in France to help you out; I'll tell if they take the lessons.

Well, I guess that's it for me now, I hope you all are well and happy.

Much love, Sister Mom Joanne G' ma

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