Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Who Said Church Is Dull?

Bonjour to all you good people out there!

Wow! Thanks for your mail, and letting us know the latest news from the home front. Life can be so good, and so hard at times. Congratulations to you on your taking that big step, Anthony! We love you. So sorry for the heartbreaking events in Cokeville recently; without the gospel to cling to what would people do? I want you to know that being far from you is not easy, but we have come closer to our Heavenly Father. It's really a process of reading the scriptures often to find out His will for His children, and making sincere prayer a priority in my daily life. I feel closer to Him all the time, and that gives me much comfort.

We went to an Ami's (investigator) home with the Elders, since they couldn't teach a single woman alone. It was such a positive experience, and she was so open. When Jack asked if she would come to church on Sunday, she said, "Yes, I can do that," and we about fell off our chairs with happy shock. We arranged to pick her up, and then, at 2 a.m. in the morning she rang up the Elders and said that she'd heard that 800 churches had been closed in the U.S., and so she changed her mind, and hung up! Hmmmmm; 800 L.D.S. churches?? When we heard about it we asked a member to check the Internet for any information at all on any churches being closed. There was none. Besides which it would be unconstitutional, says Jack. But, she would not answer her phone, so that was that for now. Thankfully she gave the Elders another appointment, and we will be seeing her again this week.

So, we picked up Veronique, the volatile, just divorced mother of 2 we are trying to help by befriending her. She dresses in very showy, bright clothes compared to the rest of us fogies, and today looked very springlike in a bright pink chimese dress and heels. Her ex-husband had the kids this week, and is trying to put his life back together calmly and correctly, and it is hard for them both. Everything was fine through the first 2 meetings, and then after the sacrament had been passed and the program began, Veronique realized that Jean-Pierre was the main speaker. He had not been able to participate until things were ironed out between them and the divorce was final. Now, he was asked to talk about the restoration of the Priesthood, and is very knowledgeable and competent to do it. When he had been speaking for a couple of minutes, all of a sudden a flash of pink rushed to the stage. Veronique began to whisper furiously into Jack's ear, and he got up and they went by the podium where the poor man was struggling to stay on the subject. It took several minutes of reasoning with her that everybody can have a second chance, and so she needed to not make it any harder for him and their 2 children than necessary.

They came back in, but she still jumped up and ran out two more times because of her high emotional state. The Elders had a new person there, and we had the Auje's, and although it was a slightly chaotic day, actually we have all been invited to return for further visits. What had us all shaking our heads in frustration has turned out OK, we think. We spent more time with Veronique later that day and brought dinner to her, and we all enjoyed ourselves. Oops, I'm almost out of time. I just wanted you to know life is really nuts here sometimes, but for the most part it is super, and I love it.

Thinking of you, Sister Mom (Joanne)

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