Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Life in France

Hello to all back in the states. We have had a good week. Our major great moment was yesterday when we went to see a member south of Angouleme. She lives 76 ks from the branch and works most Sundays. We made an appointment with her and when I said that we would bring her the sacrament, her voice got excited and was anxious for us to come. Her name is Chantal Patricola and she lives in a very small hamlet way off the beaten path. She is 54 years old and has had some very rough times.

We sat down in her dining room and she ran out to get her scriptures. When she came back, she asked me to give a scripture that I enjoy. I read in 1st Samuel about when young Samuel was called by the Lord and then related that to our own life and how we should be ready to receive the Lord's call, "Here am I Lord."

She then read Psalms 31 and said that it would give me a very good idea about her life and her state of mind. The passage is very specific about the burdens we are called to bear. We had a prayer that she asked Joanne to give and she did it in French and then I prepared the sacrament for her. She did not want me to kneel without a clean cloth on the floor, but I gently told her that it was not necessary to be about the Lord's business. I told her that I would give her time after the bread and water to reflect about the Savior. The Spirit of the Holy Ghost was very strong and the tears came to my eyes and I don't think the prayers of the sacrament never meant so much to me or the meaning of the sacrament never came so strong to me as on this occasion.

We spent about another hour getting to know her and then we told her that we brought our work clothes to help her. She asked if we could come back to help with her roof that leaks. We said that if she would name the day we would come and we would bring two strong Elders with us. We told her that we would come once a month to give her the sacrament. Her countenance was so bright that we were well blessed for the trip. We gave her our number and told her that if she needed help to call no matter the time of day or what ever the day would be. What a great boost to the spirit.

We spent the rest of the day winding our way back to Angouleme seeing the sights in the city of Perigueux and all along the way home.

Your Mom's lemon bars have won the hearts of all who bite into them. We are winning friends and influencing members with them.

The French cheese is to die for. I am sorry but you at home who eat mild, medium, and sharp cheddar and a little swiss have no idea what cheese is all about. There are cheeses here from every country, region of France. There are goat, sheep, cow, and every mixture you can count on. They are soft, creamy, and hard. White, yellow, and every shade in-between. Sharp, to mild and there are at least 4 of them served with every meal. The bread we have adds to the flavor of the cheese and we are in cheese heaven.

Well until next week and a new saga on life in France.

Love Dad, Grandpa, and Frere.

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